📄️ Differentiate your streams with a VideoID
Identify the videos with a videoID
📄️ QUANTEEC WebRTC Requirements
In order to work, the P2P solutions of Quanteec have the following requirements.
📄️ Use QUANTEEC plugin with Chromecast
The QUANTEEC plugin for Chromecast is currently in a beta state. A stable version is scheduled for the end of February 2024. This documentation might change in the future according to our development.
📄️ QUANTEEC plugin with Smart TVs
This page describes how to use the QUANTEEC plugin for different Smart TV manufacturers.
📄️ Use QUANTEEC with a stream secured with tokens
Video streams can be secured with tokens inside the urls. A unique token is generated for every viewer. This token embeds authorizations to watch the stream and information about the video session. Because the urls will be different for every viewer, it is important to inform the QUANTEEC plugin that they are watching the same video.
📄️ Digital Rights Management (DRM)
QUANTEEC and video encryption
📄️ Use QUANTEEC with Server Side Ad Insertion (SSAI)
SSAI is used to insert ads on the server side. The ads may be targeted and may be different from one viewer to another. By default, the QUANTEEC Plugin uses segment metadata to identify the segments to send from one viewer to another. However, if the users are not watching the same ad, they should not exchange video data.
📄️ QUANTEEC integration with Nice People At Work
Nice People At Work's Video Analytics (Youbora) is a video QoS and QoE measurement software solution helping video platforms and video providers identify how to improve video streaming quality with comprehensive and customizable dashboards of streaming quality metrics to instantly see the health of their video. QUANTEEC can be integrated with NPAW's Video Analytics to add P2P metrics to your existing dashboard. Hence, all of your QoS analytics are available in one place.
📄️ Configure QUANTEEC for eCDN usage
The QUANTEEC plugin can be used to optimize the performance of video distribution within a company, known as an eCDN (enterprise Content Delivery Network).
📄️ QUANTEEC plugin testing tools
📄️ Prepare your video player to use QUANTEEC
The QUANTEEC plugin works for web and native Android players by overriding the different requests sent by the player and executing them in HTTP or P2P according to an internal decision process.